Featured Product
Power Interface Module
The Power Interface Module for the Dell Mini 9 provides a software controlled 5 volt source for integrated devices, and turns this source on and off in sync with the Bluetooth module. The module can be used to power a GPS device, hub, or any other USB device you plan to install.
TeamMRB News
The latest info from TeamMRB...
Introducing the PIM: Power Interface Module ... better name, same great acronym, less filling!
After many long, late nights in many dark, smoke-filled rooms, we here at TeamMRB have decided that with the introduction of our fully RoHS compliant second generation PIM, it was time to give her a proper rebranding. Why the name change, you ask? Well, it could have been an antiquated and inaccurate development name that insidiously snuck itself into our marketing team's vernacular. Or, more likely, like so many great names in history: sometimes a birth name just isn't adequate (Bob Dylan, The Dude, Muhammad Ali, Charles Bronson, Power Isolator Module, and to a lesser extent Chuck Norris).
So there you have it. The new and improved PIM: Power Interface Module is now on-sale to Canada, Europe, and of course the good ol' USA. We're even offering a second SKU if you want your PIM in low-profile, non-switched flavor. As always, the price you see is the price you pay (in US dollars, anyway); no deceptive dot 99¢; no extra shipping and 'handling' charges; no bull. We like it better that way, and we hope you guys do too.
Thanks for stopping by our little slice of the tubes here at TeamMRB.com. If you're a customer, we hope you're a happy one, and if you're just stopping by, we hope that you've at least enjoyed your stay.
Coming Soon... RoHS Compliant PIM
At TeamMRB, we are always looking for ways to improve our products. As such, we are pleased to announce that the latest revision of the TeamMRB Power Isolator Module (now in production) is fully RoHS compliant!
We expect to have the PIM back on sale and to begin taking orders from our European customers around the second week of March. To be notified when they are in stock, please visit the Power Isolator Module page and fill out the notification form.
TeamMRB Power Isolator Module Now Available
The TeamMRB Power Isolator Module for the Dell Mini 9 and other modding uses is now available for purchase
Please visit the TeamMRB Power Isolator Module page for more information or to buy now.
About Us
TeamMRB is an engineering development business based in New Jersey focused on developing software solutions for desktop, internet, and mobile platforms as well as standalone electronic devices and consumer hardware modifications. Every application we write is one we'd want to use and every hardware mod is something we'd want to fix, because if we're not going to waste our time on something, we're not going to waste yours.
To learn more about who, what, and where we are, please contine to our Contact page.